时间:2016-11-01 来源:中国化工网 点击量:97
Impact from lower S Korean toluene export tax under FTA likely to be small
Singapore (Platts)--27 Oct 2016
South Korea will reduce the toluene export tax from 1.8% to 1.67% with effect from January 1, 2017, but market sources were doubtful Thursday whether this would have a major impact.
Initially the export tax was 2% to China but since 2015, the export tax was being reduced by 0.133% each year for 15 years until the export tax becomes zero as part of a free trade agreement, a South Korean seller said. Demand for South Korean cargoes could rise amid lower tariffs, a second South Korean seller said. "Southeast Asia cargoes have an export tax of 2% to China.
If you compare that with South Korean cargoes, that is an additional 0.4% tax starting 2017," a Chinese buyer said.
Other Asian sellers said it was still too early to tell if the reduction of the tax from 1.8% in 2016 to 1.67% in 2017 will have a significant impact.
A southeast Asia seller was doubtful whether the reduction of the tax by another 0.133% would make their cargoes uncompetitive.
上一条 ·生意社:10月31日山东地炼汽油柴油价格下跌50元/吨 2016-11-01
下一条 ·韩国将从明年起把甲苯出口税下调到1.67% 2016-11-01
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