Interlocking slope protection brick mould is used for production
Interlocking slope protection brick mold is a tool used to produce interlocking slope protection brick. The raw materials of this kind of tool are PP engineering and hexagonal block mold manufacturers. This kind of material has high and has some applications in many fields, which can help save the production cost of the mold. At the same time, it can be used to produce qualified molds by making use of the strong plasticity of PP. The shape of the mold is irregular.
Taizhou six edge block mold is transformed on the basis of square. The four sides of the interlocking slope protection brick mold have inward grooves. This irregular shape is common in slope protection engineering. In use, six molds are usually spliced together, and the spliced structure is very stable, There are many application scenarios, which can not only be used in the slope construction of Expressway and play a stable role, but also in the construction of water conservancy projects such as reservoirs and canals.
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