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Although the application and description of toll safety island mold is also a kind of steel mold, its special shape and specification are only suitable for highway or expressway construction. Du Yu's mold is not involved in other projects. Like the sharp Island head in the front half of the whole toll Island mold, the wide bottom feature can make the produced safety island more firmly placed on the ground. If reinforcement is needed, iron sheet can be used to wrap at the corners, and then large bolts can be used to fix the iron sheet and the safety Island on the ground. Most of the safety islands are formed by concrete pouring. The use of various materials in the concrete is proportional. The molds are not firmly fixed together as a whole. There is a gap of about two meters between the two molds, while the length of the whole mold is four meters. Therefore, sufficient processing materials are prepared during production. The second half of the charging safety island mold is larger, more bulky, and the naturally processed safety island is more stable. The safety island can actually play a role in protecting the safety of toll booths. If vehicles collide with toll booths or there are traffic accidents, it can effectively reduce the collision strength of vehicles and ensure the safety of toll collectors.

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