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齿条式液压方向机试验台 汽车转向器试验台


所在地:山东省   泰安市






【产品详情】齿条式液压方向机试验台 汽车转向器试验台


泰安市泰山区精达动力机械制造厂 方向机试验台 喷油泵试验台 高压共轨燃油泵喷油器试验台生产厂家;齿条式液压方向机试验台 汽车转向器试验台;

creen display digital display hydraulic direction machine booster pump test bench


The engine booster pump test bed is in accordance with the special standards of automotive power steering gear (commonly known as hydraulic steering gear) "QC/ t306-1999 automotive power steering control valve assembly bench test method" and "QC/ t529-2000 automotive power steering gear assembly bench test method" design requirements and other relevant standards. And according to the power steering and steering pump failure and design, set power steering and steering pump maintenance, testing as one of the comprehensive performance of the power steering testing platform. The testing equipment is easy to operate, easy to maintain and high detection accuracy. The pass rate of the power steering device and steering booster pump tested by this testing station reaches 99%.




This direction machine booster pump test bed adopts the oil pressure system, the main engine frequency conversion speed regulation, the speed arbitrary preset, the computer and the digital meter double control double display, the test oil constant temperature control. With test direction machine (car and car) real-time pressure displacement curve display function!

温馨提示: 以上是关于齿条式液压方向机试验台 汽车转向器试验台的详细介绍, 产品由泰安市泰山区精达动力机械制造厂为您提供,如果您对泰安市泰山区精达动力机械制造厂产品信息感兴趣可以 联系供应商 或者让供应商 泰安市泰山区精达动力机械制造厂 主动联系您,您也可以查看更多与 方向机试验台相关的产品!

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