新能源汽车喷嘴 12PSB喷油泵试验台 PCV脉冲阀试验台
【产品详情】新能源汽车喷嘴 12PSB喷油泵试验台 PCV脉冲阀试验台
查看该公司全部产品>>新能源汽车喷嘴 12PSB喷油泵试验台 PCV脉冲阀试验台;
01, 19" LCD display, industrial computer main board, all computer control
02, multi-section voltage output automatic control, to meet the driving requirements of different common rail injector
03, LCD liquid crystal display high pressure common rail injector injection frequency, driving pulse width automatic control
04, automatic control to test the flow control valve of the injection pump, control the flow of the injection pump to test
05, automatic realization of oil rail pressure, high precision up to ±1MPa
06, open loop or closed loop control mode manual optional
07, the amount of oil system adopts high standard flow sensor measurement and display by the screen, can query, store, modify the required test high pressure common rail oil pump injector data can lifelong upgrade equipment data, to provide users with maintenance suggestions.
08. The equipment is equipped with DRV valve to detect the flow and pressure of high pressure common rail oil pump.
09. The test bench with forced refrigeration function, detection injector oil more accurate.
10 Equipment appearance protection observation door: sliding door beautiful and easy to operate.
11 Equipment with filter plug pressure gauge.
温馨提示: 以上是关于新能源汽车喷嘴 12PSB喷油泵试验台 PCV脉冲阀试验台的详细介绍, 产品由泰安市泰山区精达动力机械制造厂为您提供,如果您对泰安市泰山区精达动力机械制造厂产品信息感兴趣可以 联系供应商 或者让供应商 泰安市泰山区精达动力机械制造厂 主动联系您,您也可以查看更多与 燃油高压泵试验台相关的产品!
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