汽车传动轴平衡机 定制各类轴动平衡机 平衡机厂家
【产品详情】汽车传动轴平衡机 定制各类轴动平衡机 平衡机厂家
查看该公司全部产品>>汽车传动轴平衡机 定制各类轴动平衡机 平衡机厂家 加大力度继续注册平衡机实验设备厂家;
required test of the high pressure common rail fuel pump injector data
01.Measure the maximal permitted amount of the high pressure common rail injector
02.Measure the start-up oil amount of the high pressure common rail injector
03.Measure the oil return amount of the high pressure common rail injector
04.Test track pressure
05.Test fuel injection pressure of common rail injector
06.Test the spray cone angle of the common rail injector
07.Test the spray uniformity of the common rail injector
08.Test the tightness of the common rail pump
09.Test the fuel supply of the common rail pump
10.Test the oil return amount of the high pressure common rail pump.
11.Test pump rotation speed
12.Preset fuel temperature
13.Test inner pressure of common rail pump
14.Test proportion solenoid valves of common rail pump
15 real-time operating mode of oil curve, real-time working state of the observable common rail pump injector,
In order to
Then more accurate judgment, common rail fuel injection pump injector failure.
Variable frequency drive 16 common rail pump maximum pressure of 250 mpa
Rail pressure automatic closed-loop control, display precision is 0.1 MPa
17 the built-in common rail injector standard database, free upgrades, the user can also free to add data
温馨提示: 以上是关于汽车传动轴平衡机 定制各类轴动平衡机 平衡机厂家的详细介绍, 产品由泰安市泰山区精达动力机械制造厂为您提供,如果您对泰安市泰山区精达动力机械制造厂产品信息感兴趣可以 联系供应商 或者让供应商 泰安市泰山区精达动力机械制造厂 主动联系您,您也可以查看更多与 动平衡机相关的产品!
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